A card like a credit card by which money may be withdrawn or the cost of purchases paid directly from the holder’s bank account without the payment of interest we known as Debit Card. We are describing here the complete details to our users about shopping with the use of debit cards.
Using your debit card on internet allows you to make instant online purchases without needing a credit card or PayPal account. Purchase your item from a seller who accepts the brand of credit card listed on your debit card.
How to Shopping Online with Debit Card in Pakistan
Procedure For Online Shopping By Using Debit Card
- The first step to do on online purchasing is reliability of the site.
- You can find the quality of the site through the ratings given by the customers to their products.
- Find if there are complaints for that site in security bureau. One or two complaints are non considerable. But if the number is too much that should be taken seriously before you enter you card details.
- Credit cards are better than the debit cards on using online because of chance of wiping of your account before you know about it.
- You may know about page encryption
- Go to the seller’s site directly without any referral sites because of risk of fraudulent activities.
- Always use your personal computer instead of using common computers in net center or library.
- Don’t give your birth dates or social security number in the sites that need of it.
- Every true dealer has their address clearly in their site.
- The most expected thing to see is the seller’s policy in the site.
- Select products and click buy button and fill forms and get products by using debit cards.
You can find out if a seller accepts credit cards before you make your purchase by looking at the Payments information near the top of a particular item listing, beneath Shipping and Delivery. If the seller accepts credit cards, he will list the specific brands he accepts. Keep in touch with us to get the latest updates about this topic.