Payoneer is the international money transfer service that has facilitates the customers in Pakistan. We are telling here to our users the complete details about Payoneer ATM Card Supporting Banks in Pakistan. By using the Payoneer card you can activate your accounts in Paypal, payza & skrill service in all over the world.
Does your business need to send mass payments to numerous beneficiaries, across multiple countries, in various currencies Payoneer’s Global Bank Transfer Service allows you to easily send funds to over 200 countries, in more than 150 currencies, all through one easy-to-use payment platform.
Payoneer ATM Card Supporting Banks in Pakistan
Benefits of transferring funds to your bank account
- Easy set up and quick transfers
- Withdraw funds in your local currency
- Low cost withdrawal fees
Supported Banks
- Standard Charted Bank
- Muslim Commercial bank
- Bank Alfalah
- Citi Bank
The Payoneer card is actually free and its also have no delivery charges. All the users are informed that Payoneer has activations of card with activation fee. The card activation fee is 3$ upto 300 PKR. With Payoneer, professionals in a variety of verticals can receive payments from any location worldwide, in their own currency, using the payment solution that best suits their needs. No matter where a person is located, Payoneer makes global payments effortless. Keep in touch with us to get the latest updates about this topic here on this page.