The Swedish Company is starting their work as Punjab Vehicle Inspection and Certification System VICS in Pakistan. We are informing all our visitors about Punjab Vehicle Inspection and Certification System VICS Transportation Department will be Initiated Very Soon. The Punjab government and Sweden on Wednesday regarding inspection and certification system of vehicles they signed an agreement.
Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif was the chief guest at the ceremony held at Model Town. Secretary Transport and President OPUS Group of Sweden Carl Magnus Greko signed the document. Under the agreement, the Swedish group will set up 39 fitness stations in Punjab for the checking of commercial vehicles.
Punjab Vehicle Inspection and Certification System VICS Transportation Department will be Initiated Very Soon
Main Objectives of the project include:
- Inspection of all vehicles in compliance to the international standards and specifications of vehicle testing in a uniform manner.
- Stoppage of unfit vehicles from the road with the intention to improve safety and reduction in accidents and fatalities due to mechanical malfunction.
- Generation of Employment opportunities and technical capabilities of staff pertaining to vehicle testing and inspection
Project Features
- Enforcement methods: such as declaring inspection certificate as a prerequisite for registration, innovative RFID Windshield Stickers and the mobile enforcement unit with officials (initially 5 to 10 units)
- Centralized Model: A single licensee responsible for making the investment and operating the Vehicle Inspection Program throughout the province resulting in a more easily managed program
- A centralized network system to collect all program data in a single location
- ISO-17010 certified system
- Inspection intervals every six months
- Each location will include 2 to 6 light duty vehicle inspection lanes and 1 or 2 heavy duty vehicle inspection lanes only on selected locations. Each lane containing 3 full inspection systems (hence 9 to 24 systems)
- To accommodate the high volume of motorcycles and motor scooters, every location will include an adjacent facility with 3 to 8 inspection lanes which may be used for auto rickshaws.
Current Status:
- Two out of three sites (phase-I) will be operationalized by end of May, 2024
- 11 A-Type, 4 B-Type fixed facilities and 12 mobile units serving 39 public service vehicle inspection centers throughout the province.
Concerned/Sponsoring Agency:
- Transport Department
Project Type:
An un-solicited proposal on Built Operate Transfer (BOT) basis, submitted by a consortium consisting of:
- Systech International (A subsidiary of Opus Group, Opus Produx AB (publ), Backstensgatan 11C, SO-431 49 Molndal, Sweden)
- SweRoad, a Swedish government entity
- Swede-Tech International, Pakistan
Seven tests of different kinds will be conducted on the vehicles at the fitness stations to be established by the Swedish Group. The Swedish group will also extend cooperation with regard to licensing and training of drivers and a separate driving school of international standard will be established in Punjab. Keep in touch with us and have the latest updates about vehicles on this page.