We are rounded up the best of the best. Whether you want a long-lasting, waterproof formula that won’t smudge (like, ever), or a smoky, bendable gel liner, that’ll give you gorgeous, grungy eyes. We are telling complete details about How to Apply Liquid EyeLiner on Your Eyes for Looks Bigger Step by Step.
Every makeup bag needs amazing eyeliner, so we’re here to help. Check out our reviews of the best liquid eyeliners around, whether you want to go bold or rock a classic cat-eye. Bring on the flawless liner flicks.
How to Apply Liquid EyeLiner on Your Eyes For Looks Bigger Step by Step
For Simple Pencil Eyeliner
- Try a cream liner
- Make a liquid liner out of eye shadow
- Heat up a liner pencil
For Liquid EyeLiner
- Choose your liquid eyeliner
- Prepare your eyelids
- Get in the right position
- Draw a row of dots or dashes
- Connect the dots
- Smooth out your line
- Add your tail
- Finish your makeup
With the completion of your eyeliner, apply your mascara and any other finishing touches to your makeup. Use a large, full-bristled brush to wipe off any shadow or eyeliner that might have fallen underneath your eyes. Use a q-tip dipped in makeup remover to remove any mistakes you made in your eyeliner or mascara application. Keep in touch with us and have the latest make guideline from us on this page.