With the growing need for affordable hosting, the company set out to deliver the best web hosting at a price where everyone can afford to have their piece of the World Wide Web. We are giving complete details about Pak Servers Best Packages For Pakistan Shared Hosting VPS Cloud and Dedicated.
Pak Servers remains committed to delivering the best value in Internet hosting by providing a safe, reliable and efficient process to create an Internet presence, all with a price structure driven by value. They are the first web development services provider in Pakistan who offer 24/7 live chat support, 99.99% up time guarantee and 30 day money back guarantee.
Pak Servers Best Packages For Pakistan Shared Hosting VPS Cloud and Dedicated
Pak Servers is a private limited company registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP), incorporated under section 32 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984 of Government of Pakistan, having Corporate Universal Identification Number. Get a free .com, .net, .org or .pk domain name with any hosting account. Free renewals for as long as your hosting account is active.
Create unlimited email accounts, mail forwarders and filters. Securely access your emails with our SSL enabled webmail service. With a dedicated IP address your domain’s web and email reputation is not affected by activities of other users on the server. Stay in touch with us and have the latest servers rates and prices on this page.
Pak Servers Best Packages For Pakistan